Elite's VANTAGE conferences are back - in Sydney, London and Orlando!
Elite's VANTAGE conferences are back - in Sydney, London and Orlando!
Our business process analysis and review service is a tailored series of strategic consulting discussions with key stakeholders at your firm. We meet with people at all levels, from senior partners to assistants, to look for areas of your business and your technology where we can help you relieve frustrations, avoid delays and eliminate 'pain points.'
We work with you to identify areas of improvement and develop a targeted plan that supports your strategic business needs. We look for both tech- and people-driven solutions. Our advice is always no-nonsense and pragmatic, seeking practical ways to optimize and streamline your business processes.
We provide specialist best practice advice on the configuration and use of all aspects of your firm's 3E system, including advanced features (like inter-company billing, objectives, conflicts, etc.), templates (invoices, cheques, etc.), month-end balancing and much more. Our experienced team will show you how to make the most out of stock 3E functionality and get the best out of your systems without customising the software.
Our philosophy is always to 'use what's in the box' rather than spending time and money on risky customisations which may not be compatible with using your 3E system in the Cloud.
Our strategic consulting service helps your firm stay ahead of the curve in today's digital world. We work with you to develop a Cloud-first technology strategy that fits your strategic business needs, optimizes your systems, and leverages proven technology.
We help prepare law firms who are still hosting their finance systems on-premises for a move to the Cloud, by highlighting areas of risk which your firm would need to address to make your systems Cloud-compatible. We specialise in assisting firms running Elite 3E, but we can also advise firms running on other platforms. We can advise your firm on the benefits of moving to the Cloud and the security features that protect your data.
We provide an unbiased, realistic and pragmatic view of the answers you've been given by vendors on a Request for Proposal.
We use our deep and broad experience of working with law firms on Enterprise Resource Planning projects, digital transformation projects, and software upgrades to help you not only evaluate the answers to your questions in an RFP, but also to help you draft good questions in the first place.
One of our experienced consultants can even sit in on your meetings with the vendor's Sales team to help you get a better idea of what lies behind the 'sales-speak' that you are so often subjected to when a vendor comes to do a demo and sell you their solution.
Change is hard. The number one reason that ERP projects fail is resistance to change - a resistance that is often born of irrational fears that you may no longer be able to do your job or be of value to your employer. Change Management has therefore become an essential element of any project that brings new technologies and new ways of working into a business.
Delphi Consulting works with you to not only identify the changes that will streamline and optimise your processes and your finance systems, but to also foster change adoption by:
- helping you develop a clear, concise vision and to communicate it well
- growing people's confidence through targeted training